
Response encoding

All responses from the API are encoded in UTF-8

Response format

The primaTime API supports two response formats, JSON and XML, where the JSON format is the default one.

Response format is defined by the HTTP header Accept:


  • JSON: Accept: application/json
  • XML: Accept: application/xml

If your HTTP client does not support sending the HTTP header "Accept" or it sends wrong types as such is the case with the JQuery, you can use an alternative method to define the response by using the query parameter "format":


  • JSON: /{resource}/?format=json
  • XML: /{resource}/?format=xml

Where {resource} is a module resource such as: time/projects, time/timerecords, time/tasks, etc. Or a global resource such as user.


  • JSON: GET http://{tenant}
  • XML: GET http://{tenant}

JSONP (JSON with padding)

The primaTime API also supports the JSONP pattern.

To return the JSON padded, you should use the callback query parameter.




    GET http://{tenant}

JSONP always returns the status code 200 in the following way: ?suppress_response_code=true

Date format

PrimaERP uses the following date formatting:

Response collection

The application via API returns a maximum of 1000 records. To retrieve the records after that, you should use pagination.

Response object

POST and PUT methods may return an object which was created or updated. This feature should be enabled by a response_object query parameter.



Response reduction

It is possible to reduce the API output. If a response reduction query parameter is used, then only a stub will be returned instead of an embedded object. A stub is composed of the id, version and displayName fields.



Where {resource} is a module resource such as: time/projects, time/timerecords, time/tasks, etc. Or a global resource such as user.

Take into consideration that this query parameter is applicable to every "GET" request:

  • list result (e.g. GET http://{tenant}
  • single result (e.g. GET http://{tenant}
  • @deleted view (e.g. GET http://{tenant}
  • deleted object (e.g. GET http://{tenant}


    GET http://{tenant}

"project" and "author" fields in the task below are stubs.

    "name":"Task name",
        "name":"Project name",
        "displayName":"Project name"
        "displayName":"Smith John"

The single parts of the displayName, such as firstName and lastName, are parts of the stub.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""