Query string options

CRUD operations

The primaTime API supports CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations via the HTTP Header.

Operation SQL HTTP
Read (Retrieve) SELECT GET
Update (Modify) UPDATE PUT
Delete (Destroy) DELETE DELETE

In case you have a client with limited capability for setting the HTTP Header, you should set up a CRUD operation by the query parameter ?method.


  • PUT = ?method=PUT
  • DELETE = ?method=DELETE





  • {resource} - a module resource such as: time/projects, time/timerecords, time/tasks, etc. Or a global resource such as user


    POST http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/timerecords

    > Content-Type: application/json

Request data:

  "user": {
    "id": "cc41790b-59f4-4520-81e1-ac10c74e9454"
  "start": "/Date(1479974400000)/",
  "stop": "/Date(1479978000000)/",
  "duration": 3600000,
  "description": "Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet.",
  "effective": true

Read (Retrieve)




  • {resource} - a module resource such as: time/projects, time/timerecords, time/tasks, etc. Or a global resource such as user


    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects

    > Accept: application/json

Response data:

        "id" : "1b8e29a2-d97d-4e9c-b0b3-7072241adf22",
        "version" : 9,
        "name" : "Content management system",
        "code" : "CMS",
        "note" : "core feature",
        "begins" : "/Date(1452170816188)/",
        "ends" : "/Date(1452343616188)/",
        "timeBudget" : 604800000,
        "priceBudget" : 100000.0,
        "personal" : false,
        "owner" : {
            "id" : "2a99b231-e9fa-4c6c-91ca-aca539df8590",
            "version" : 8,
            "firstName" : "John",
            "lastName" : "Doe",
            "email" : "john.doe@example.com",
        "id" : "6f23b610-92c1-4005-9235-c714d9b4a2b0",
        "version" : 2,
        "name" : "Hardware upgrade",
        "code" : "HWUP",
        "begins" : "/Date(1452170816188)/",
        "ends" : "/Date(1452343616188)/",
        "timeBudget" : 172800000,
        "priceBudget" : 20000.0,
        "personal" : false,
        "owner" : {
            "id" : "1fc16d91-322b-4121-87ae-53c9db59dcc1",
            "version" : 3,
            "firstName" : "John",
            "lastName" : "Smith",
            "email" : "john.smith@example.com",

Update (Modify)




  • {resource} - a module resource such as: time/projects, time/timerecords, time/tasks, etc. Or a global resource such as user
  • {id} - a resource ID


    PUT http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects/6f23b610-92c1-4005-9235-c714d9b4a2b0

    > Content-Type: application/json

Request data:

  "priceBudget" : 40000.0,
  "version": 2

Delete (Destroy)




  • {resource} - a module resource such as: time/projects, time/timerecords, time/tasks, etc. Or a global resource such as user
  • {id} - a resource ID


    DELETE http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects/6f23b610-92c1-4005-9235-c714d9b4a2b0


This is a special case of PUT. It is used to set values to the object's fields. This query can be used with multiple parameters.




  • {resource} - a module resource such as: time/projects, time/timerecords, time/tasks, etc. Or a global resource such as user
  • {id} - a resource ID


For a single field.

    POST http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects/d18ae895-7266-4e9f-87f2-1a426f7e29ec/$set?name=primaTime

For multiple fields.

    POST http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects/d18ae895-7266-4e9f-87f2-1a426f7e29ec/$set?name=primaTime&note=important

Inner Collections

The API can provide the inner collections for some resources.


    /{resource}/{id}/{inner collection}


  • {resource} - a module resource such as time/projects or a global resource such as user.
  • {inner collection} - an inner resource such as tasks or timerecords.


The project contains a collection of tasks.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects/{id}/tasks

Order response data

The primaTime API provides the query string option to sort the entries collection. It also supports multi sorting by chaining the field names.


    /{resource}/$orderby = object_field1 {order}, object_field2 {order}


  • {resource} - a module resource such as time/projects or a global resource such as user.
  • {order} - asc (ascending order), desc (descending order)

* Note that the default order is ascendant.


This request sorts the projects by name

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects?$orderby=name

This request sorts the projects by name in a descending order.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects?$orderby=name desc

For multi sorting.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/timerecords?$orderby=start desc, description asc


The primaTime API returns up to 1000 records. Paging parameters can be used for paging records in the table.


    /{resource}/?$top = number_of_records

    /{resource}/?$skip = number_of_records

Where {resource} is a module resource such as: time/projects, time/timerecords, time/tasks, etc. Or a global resource such as user.


This request returns the first 10 records

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects?$top=10

This request returns the next 10 records starting with the 11th

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects?$skip=10&top=10


The API supports filtering by fields:

Operator Description Example
Logical Operators
Eq Equal String
/time/projects?$filter=name eq 'Project one'
Inner object
/time/projects?$filter=owner/firstName eq 'John'
/time/projects?$filter=billable eq true
/time/projects?$filter=priceBudget eq 100
Date and time
/time/projects?$filter=begins eq datetime'2013-06-15T00:00:00.000Z'
Ne Not equal /time/projects?$filter=name ne 'Project one'
Gt Greater than /time/projects?$filter=priceBudget gt 20
Ge Greater than or equal /time/projects?$filter=priceBudget ge 10
Lt Less than /time/projects?$filter=priceBudget lt 20
Le Less than or equal /time/projects?$filter=priceBudget le 100
And Logical and /time/projects?$priceBudget=Price le 200 and priceBudget gt 100
Or Logical or /time/projects?$filter=priceBudget le 100 or priceBudget gt 200
Not Logical negation /time/projects?$filter=not endswith(name,'1')
Arithmetic Operators
Add Addition /time/projects?$filter=priceBudget add 5 gt 10
Sub Subtraction /time/projects?$filter=priceBudget sub 5 gt 10
Mul Multiplication /time/projects?$filter=priceBudget mul 2 gt 2000
Div Division /time/projects?$filter=priceBudget div 2 gt 4
Mod Modulo /time/projects?$filter=priceBudget mod 2 eq 0
Grouping Operators
( ) Precedence grouping /time/projects?$filter=(priceBudget sub 5) gt 10

API also supports filtering by string functions:

Function Example
String function
substring( fieldName, index ) /time/projects?$filter=substring(name, 2) eq 'imaERP'
substring( fieldName, index, lenght ) /time/projects?$filter=substring(name, 5, 3) eq 'ERP'
substringof( string, fieldName ) /time/projects?$filter=substringof('PrimaERP', name) eq true
startswith( fieldName, string ) /time/projects?$filter=startswith(name, 'Prima') eq true
endswith( fieldName, string ) /time/projects?$filter=endswith(name, 'ERP') eq true
length( fieldName ) /time/projects?$filter=length(note) lt 10
indexof( fieldName, string ) /time/projects?$filter=length(name, 'ERP') eq 5
tolower( fieldName ) /time/projects?$filter=tolower(name) eq 'primatime'
toupper( fieldName ) /time/projects?$filter=toupper(name) eq 'PRIMAERP'
concat( fieldName, string ) /time/projects?$filter=concat(name, 'x') eq 'PrimaERPx'

Complex examples

The following example searches active users whose first name is John.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/users/?$filter=active eq true and substringof('john',tolower(firstName)) eq true

The following example returns active projects which are processed for a given client.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects/?$filter=active eq true and client/id eq '2a1e546a-81a6-4af6-bfb4-65c57ad15a9f'

The following example returns time records which were recorded in January by a given user.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/timerecords/?$filter=start ge datetime'2014-01-01T00:00:00Z' and start lt datetime'2014-01-31T23:59:59Z' and user/id eq 'cc41790b-59f4-4520-81e1-ac10c74e9454'

The following example returns projects which were updated or created on a given date (e.g. since the last synchronization).

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects/?$filter=(updatedAt gt datetime'2012-12-31T23:00:00Z') or (createdAt gt datetime'2012-12-31T23:00:00Z')

The following example returns the undone tasks of a given user. Please note, these tasks are from the active projects only.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/tasks/?$filter=(done eq false or done eq null) and owner/id eq 'cc41790b-59f4-4520-81e1-ac10c74e9454' and project/active eq true

Counting records

The primaTime API provides a special method for returning a text/plain response with the amount of requested records.



Where {resource} is a module resource such as: time/projects, time/timerecords, time/tasks, etc. Or a global resource such as user.


This example will return the amount of projects.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/projects/$count

Note that the method $count supports also additional queries:

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/time/projects/$count/?$filter=priceBudget ge 10

Aggregating records

The API allows the use of aggregation functions over resources for the simplification of the client's applications.

It's possible to return multiple functions in one request to the API. The list of aggregated functions is still fixed and cannot be used for any entity or any field.

It sets the timeRecordsCount property on all returned projects.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/projects/?append=timerecords-count

It sets the tasksCount property on all returned projects.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/projects/?append=tasks-count

It sets the membersCount property on all returned projects.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/projects/?append=members-count

It sets the billsCount property on all returned clients.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/clients/?append=bills-count

It sets the projectsCount property on all returned clients.

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/clients/?append=projects-count

It sets the tasksCount and the membersCount properties on all returned projects (example of chaining aggregated functions).

    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/projects/?append=tasks-count,members-count

Dummy objects

The API provides a method for generating a sample object with random values.

Types of returned objects are either JSON or XML according to the HTTP "Accept" Header.




    GET http://{tenant}.api.primatime.com/v1/projects/$dummy

results matching ""

    No results matching ""